

I have had the good fortune to travel the world since I was very young.  I always loved the excitement of going to a new country, seeing a new thing, and trying a new food.  Above all that though, I loved meeting new people.  To truly appreciate a place you must forge a connection with the people of that place.  I learned early on that communication was the key to this connection.

I created Vinguistics as a way to help people communicate with others about one of my other favorite things, wine!  In wine there is history, science, philosophy, passion, and culture.  What better medium to bond with people as you travel and enjoy new experiences, cultures, and foods?

I hope Vinguistics helps you connect with your hosts and thereby helps you connect even deeper with all the places you travel.  Remember, the timeless parts of any adventure are the friends, memories, and stories we bring home with us.

~Dave Meservey
